In April 2024, the Nemetschek Group and Autodesk announced an interoperability agreement to revolutionize AEC/O workflows. Marc Nezet, Nemetschek's Chief Strategy Officer, explains how this partnership uses cloud technologies to enhance project efficiency.

Building Better Together: Nemetschek and Autodesk’s Interoperability Agreement

In April 2024, the Nemetschek Group and Autodesk announced an interoperability agreement to revolutionize AEC/O workflows. Marc Nezet, Nemetschek's Chief Strategy Officer, explains how.


Marc Nezet

Chief Strategy Officer, Nemetschek Group

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Building Better Together: Nemetschek and Autodesk’s Interoperability Agreement

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As the Chief Strategy Officer of the Nemetschek Group, I have the privilege of steering our strategic endeavors towards innovation and collaborative success. I am particularly thrilled to share some insights on the landmark achievement that marks a significant milestone in our journey – our interoperability agreement with Autodesk, which we announced end of April.

This agreement is not just a formal handshake between two leaders in the architecture, engineering, construction, and operations (AEC/O) industries. It is a pledge to transform how projects are conceived, executed, and delivered across the globe, leveraging the best of both companies’ technologies. For us at Nemetschek, it represents a pivotal moment where our longstanding commitment to open collaboration and efficient project management materializes into a concrete action that will benefit countless users of our platforms and beyond.

Why Now?

So, after all these years, why are we doing this now? Essentially, this collaboration is a sign of the readiness of both companies to embrace a future where technology and customer-centric solutions converge to create unprecedented value. We are aligning our strengths at a time when the industry is ripe for transformation, fueled by advancements in cloud technology and a shared vision of enhancing project outcomes through seamless interoperability.

Some of this is due to the maturity of the companies. Both Nemetschek and Autodesk have reached stages in their evolution where collaboration over competition can foster greater innovation and impact. Our growth trajectories have positioned us as leaders in our respective domains, yet it is our mutual commitment to enhancing industry standards that brings us together. This maturity is not just in terms of business growth but also in our understanding of the market’s needs and the complex dynamics of project delivery in the digital age.

Another factor is the maturity of the technology involved. The capabilities of today’s design and construction technology are nothing short of revolutionary, thanks in large part to advancements in cloud computing. These technologies have matured to a point where they can be seamlessly integrated, providing a robust backbone for interoperability. The cloud acts as a catalyst, enabling faster, more secure, and more efficient data exchanges that can transform traditional workflows into agile, responsive processes. Our agreement leverages these advancements, ensuring that both Nemetschek and Autodesk can offer their customers the most sophisticated tools powered by the latest in cloud technology.

Yet perhaps the most compelling reason for this agreement now is our obligation to our customers. They are the architects, engineers, and builders who shape the world by turning visions into tangible realities. Our customers have voiced their need for more integrated solutions that can move freely between platforms without the hassle of compatibility issues or data silos. This agreement is our response to their calls – it is our promise to provide them with an ecosystem that supports their work, not just in isolated stages, but as a continuous, interconnected workflow.

This triad of readiness – company maturity, technological advancement, and customer commitment – frames our decision to partner at this pivotal time. It is a strategic alignment designed to propel our industries forward, making this the ideal moment to advance our shared goals of innovation and integration.

Building a Better World

Throughout my career, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of collaboration. This partnership is a testament to what can be achieved when two industry leaders unite with a common goal, despite still being competitors. It’s not just about enhancing our software solutions but about fostering a culture of innovation where technology serves as a bridge to future possibilities, not a barrier to progress. By advocating for interoperability and open standards, we are helping to shape an industry ecosystem that is more dynamic, responsive, and resilient.

As we embark on this journey with Autodesk, our goal is crystal clear: to ensure that every stakeholder in the AEC/O sphere has the tools, resources, and support to achieve their project goals with greater ease and efficiency than ever before. This is more than just integrating software; it’s about weaving a fabric of connectivity that spans our entire industry, empowering professionals to build a better world.

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